Spring is always a time for something new and fresh. We clean out our closets, open the windows, and enjoy a fresh start to the new year.
Well here at Tiny Hiney we're doing the same thing! We've cleaned up the studio, added some new gear (look for that post coming soon!) and we have a fresh new blog design!!!
I'm great with a sewing machine and I'm fairly good around the technical side too. But when it came to this blog and it's design, I was lost! I know nothing about coding, so I sought someone else out and I found Lauren at Teach*Pray*Love Designs! Her work is amazing, simple, and beautifully themed.
She asked a few questions, put together and beautiful design, worked with all the "ideas" and "changes" I needed, and than loaded the coding for me! So simple for me!
I love all the links to the social media links, and the widgets for Pinterest and Instagram! She even did a custom "Pin It" button! Check it out, hoover over an picture and it pops up!
So what do you think about the new look???