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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy Birthday USA and my littlest!

Happy 4th of July! I love this holiday ... lots of time outside, cookouts, great friends and family! Plus everyone comes together, shows off their patriotism and celebrates America's birthday!

Once again it was a made dash to finish all the holiday orders. But I LOVE everything that was created, and even better seeing everyone in those cute creations! 

So bring on all the Red, White, and Blue!

Can't forget our friends to the North ... Happy Canada Day! 

Now while summer is usually a break from holidays I have not one but two birthdays in the summer one month apart! Always a joy but also a stress! 

Here's some cute pictures my like youngest 2nd Sail-ebration! 

 K's Sailor Jon Jon (which I also made reversible!)

Big Brother got a matching shirt! 

I'm no famous baker, but I know he was happy to smash it! 

Thank you Pinterest for all the food ideas!  

And lastly, a little shop announcement ... I'm taking a mini vacation. Not really going anywhere, or doing anything, just need a little time to breath! Soon it'll be back to school, Halloween and the Thanksgiving rush. Right now I want to be able to enjoy the summer with my littles and be able to clear my head. It'll mean I can come back with better ideas and styles! 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me a message. I'll still be here sewing, updating, and such. Just not taking on a full work load.

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